1.to stop doing one thing and start doing another
1.Could the world switch over to power from only the wind, sun, waves, and heat from the Earth in only a few decades?
2.He hopes the study persuades faculty members to stop delivering traditional lectures and "switch over" to a more interactive approach.
3.Once the database is in a consistent state, users can switch over to the standby database to continue their work.
4.As time has gone on (since the switch over to digital) our reception has been inconsistent, but some channels always come in good.
5.Do not perform a switch over if any of the prerequisites are not met.
6.In order to help users switch over, Google has provided an upgrade guide with a list of incompatibilites between the two versions.
7.Each gas manifold shall be constructed to provide semi-automatic switch over from in-use cylinders to online backup cylinders.
8.Heartbeat is configured to switch over to the backup node if the master node happens to go down.
9.If you happen some of the stuff in your back garden, then there is no reason why you shouldn't switch over to an eco clock.
10.And Stepp said court systems are reluctant to invest the money it would take to switch over to a digital format such as CDs .